Monday, January 26, 2009

Ultrasound Pics

The ultrasound went very good last week. The technician said it was one of the best she'd ever done because our baby was developing perfectly and, for some reason, was very visible.
She ended up giving us 31 pictures of the ultrasound, along with the DVD. We had to smuggle them out because she was worried she'd get in trouble for giving us so many. She said she just couldn't stop taking stills because there were so many good views.


Karin Austin said...

Oh! She's beautiful. She looks just like her Mommy lol! Congrats, I'm so happy for you!!!

The Ellis Fam said...

matt, you're such a nut. sarah, you need to post some prego pics of you.

Trav-Amy-Kennedy-Shaylee Barney said...

So cute! But Sarah seriously we need to see some cute belly shots!

vanessa said...

Hey! Congratulations you guys!
You have a comical physician. I have never seen an ultra-sound labeled like that. I wish I got to smuggle millions of pictures out of my ultra-sound. Who is your doctor?

April McEvoy said...

Love it! I can't wait to get this little girl here and meet her! My favorite picture is of her arm... i am still so amazed at how detailed these pictures can be. There is a real little person inside you!