Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who the hell is Perez Hilton?

So, once again the gay marriage question has been brought up, and once again we're forced to hear how anyone who doesn't wholeheartedly support gay marriage is a biggot, and now (according to Perez Hilton) a bitch. If you haven't heard about the latest attrocity against the gay community, watch this:
I'll admit, whether or not gay's have the right to marry would have little or no direct impact on me personally. No one in my family is gay (that I know of) and I don't have any close friends who are gay, so the whole debate over gay marriage isn't something I really have a strong opinion on. I understand (as much as possible) the perspective of the homosexual community in wanting the right to marry, and I understand the perspective of the heterosexual community in wanting to define marraige as a union between a man and a woman. Both sides have valid points and concerns and it's a difficult and divisive subject to address.
What infuriates me about this particular situation is all of the fallout and subsequent defamation of Miss California because of the answer she gave to the question posed by Perez Hilton (the idiot in the video). My opinion is this: If you don't want to hear an honest answer to a question, don't ask it. It seems like Perez was trolling for the answer he wanted to hear and knew that he would instantly place any of the constestants in a difficult situation by asking the gay marriage question. I'm sure he thought that when he asked the question, the constestant who answered would simply become another advocate for gay marriage and use the time to champion the cause in hopes of furthering their career. So, now that Miss California stood up for her beliefs and stated an honest opinion on gay marriage, there's nothing left to do but villianize her and try and paint her as another homophobic biggot.
I laugh at the hypocrisy in this situation. On the one hand, a (I'm assuming he's homosexual) man is asking a question about the "rights" of gays to marry, but on the other hand, when he doesn't agree with her answer, he tramples on her right to have and voice an opinion by trying to portray her as some anti-gay hatemonger. In the video, Perez makes reference to Presidential candidates and tries (unsuccessfully) to explain why he thinks there's a difference between someone running for President and a woman running for Miss America. He says that Miss America is someone who should "represent all of America," as if the President has no such obligation.
The message I take from this whole situation is that if you're going to assume a role that places you in the public eye, it's your duty...nay...your RESPONSIBILITY to know what the prevailing opinion of the crowd you're addressing is, regarding any topic, and agree with it. Anything short of that makes you "unAmerican." I wonder if she had been asked that same question at an NRA convention if her answer would have been met with such hostility?
I admire Miss California for letting her honest opinion on such a hot-button topic be known. I think it takes courage to be true to your beliefs and not simply cater to masses and sell-out. And as for what I think of Perez Hilton, I think this picture says it best. Who the hell is Perez Hilton, anyway?

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