Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lovin Summer!!

Playing Dress Up!(and I caught a little smile)

Lazy Days....

Takin' a Tubbie!!

I think this is my first posting in a very long time! Matt usually does all of our posting !! So now it's my turn! We have been having such a fun summer and with the arrival of little Maia it's just gotten 10 times better! We love being parents and having a cute little daughter to brighten our lives! It's so crazy how life just seems to slow down and become so much more important with a child!


Trav-Amy-Kennedy-Shaylee Barney said...

Sarah! I love love love the pictures! You guys looks so happy!

Warburtons said...

She is so cute. I saw you walking out of target the other day. I swear it was probably the day you checked out of the hospital. I could'nt believe it was I hope that means that you are having a good recovery. You looked amazing for just having a baby days ago.
I remember the "lazy days". Even though they really arent lazy... your so tired but just want to stare at your baby all day. Its a whole new world... im so happy for you guys. cant wait to see her in person.

April McEvoy said...

Love the pictures! Glad to see you are enjoying her :) love you guys!

Angie said...

What a cutie! I LOVE her hair bow...Girls are so much fun! I remember changing Brynley's clothes several times a day when she was a baby. I guess she didn't mind... :)