Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Matt's Thoughts on Liars

We all know one. Hell, we've all done it from time to time. I have no problem with someone telling an occasional white lie to avoid an awkward moment or to spare someone else embarrassment. I'm not saying it's right, just that it's sometimes understandable and excusable.
I do, however, have a gigantic problem with people who are chronic liars or deceivers. I hate these people and think the world would be a much better place if we could round them all up and dump them in the ocean.
I tend to find that people who are chronic liars generally possess similar characteristics. Being a liar is only one small part of who they are. Usually, chronic liars possess the following traits (in addition to being a liar):

  • Laziness. Lying is often times a way that they facilitate being a lazy pile.

  • Poor hygiene. The chronic liar will frequently smell bad. I have no explanation for this one, but I've discovered it's usually the case.

  • Insecurity. Someone who is addicted to lying frequently tells lies so they look better, or so people around them look worse.

  • Spousal abuse. Not always the case, but I thought I'd add it anyway.

  • No morals. Lying is obviously immoral, but someone who lies all the time about the most minute, peripheral details is more often than not intrinsically immoral and we would all be better off if they were shot.

  • Arrogance. I don't know why, but people who always lie posses a certain arrogance. They seem to think everyone around them is a clueless moron that doesn't pick up on their lies.

  • Annoying. This goes without saying. There's nothing more annoying than being around a liar. The worst part is having to coexist with someone you know is a liar, and not being able to call them to the carpet. Sometimes, in order to maintain a small degree of civility between yourself and the liar, you're forced to simply suck it up and smile.

Of course, this list is just the tip of the iceberg. I could easily pen out a novel that would rival "War and Peace" in length on the subject of liars, but I'll confine myself to a few short paragraphs to sum up my thoughts.
If you're reading this and happen to be a chronic liar, know this: A) I hate you, and B) you're not as clever as you think you are. For the sake of anyone who is forced to interact with you, I kindly request that you stop being a liar and face any consequences that may result from being honest.
If you're reading this and aren't a lying pile of garbage, please feel free to leave your comments expressing your feelings for liars.
All of this jargon may seem like just random thoughts or capricious babbling, but it makes me feel vindicated and has proven very therapeutic. I just hope it reaches it's target audience.


Joel Frost said...

If you have a problem with me, I would prefer that you just bring it up with me directly, and not on your public forum. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to football practice, the Giants just signed me to play QB over manning next year. so yeah.

kwjiii said...

Matt, what does "intrinsic" mean?