Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Maia and Daddy

We had some pictures taken of our family today by Lanette Sanders. Her husband works with Matt and she is an amateur photographer, so we asked if she'd be willing to come snap some pictures before Maia got any bigger. She just sent us the first finished photo of the set and it is amazing!Thank you Lanette! You're amazing. We can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!


April McEvoy said...

So cute! Love the chubby little bum :) Matt- love the new 'do.... you should have done it long ago. See you guys in a month!!

Heather said...

that is so stinking cute!

Megan said...

That is the cutest picture ever!! She is so precious!!

Jana said...

Oh my gosh!!! That bum! I havent even been to your blog since you had her - so cute! congrats!

Joel Frost said...

So be serious with me for one minute. I can't tell if you are faking this whole baby thing any more. So I am going to ask you straight up... Do you, or don't you have a baby? follow-up question: Is her name really Maia, or is that just her celeb name in order to allow her some privacy?