Friday, July 17, 2009

Twilight Saga: New Moon

So, we went to see Harry Potter on Wednesday and saw the preview for the new Twilight movie. I swear, half the people in the theater were probably there just to see the trailer. I still don't get what the appeal of these books/movies is. Maybe because I haven't read any of the books (this is Matt, by the way. Sarah's read them.) and I thought the first movie was a bit hokey. The special effects in the first movie were garbage (the scene where Ed is running up the mountain with Bella on his back reminded me of the scene in the original Superman from '78 when Clark Kent is running alongside the train) so hopefully the budget was bigger for the sequel. Anyway, here's the trailer. (Oh, and when did this become about werewolves? I thought it was about vampires.)

Here's the '78 Superman scene I was referring to. Skip to 1:16 and tell me that's not exactly what Edward looks like when he's running up the mountain with Bella on his back.

1 comment:

Heather said...

the reason you don't get the appeal is because you are not gay or a woman.

What did you think of Harry Potter btw, I loved it! We went to the midnight showing.