Maia Elizabeth Joseph
So, we've finally decided on a name and spelling. We've liked the name for a while, but right after she was born we started second guessing ourselves and wondering if we hadn't put enough thought into her name and just settled on something without thinking of other names. Anyway, we stuck with our first choice, but decided to spell it a bit differently: Maia Elizabeth Joseph. We were going to spell it Maya, but for some reason, it just seems to "fit" her better spelled with an "i".
Mommy checking baby's feetsies
Maia loves her daddy, and he loves her!
Maia and her cousin, June
Maia and Mommy!
Beautiful, Big Eyes!!We're so happy little Maia is here with us now, and two weeks early! She's such a blessing. She's only 2 days old, but already we both feel so much love for her. It's an indescribable feeling to look at this beautiful little baby and know that she's ours.
she looks so different with her eyes open :) Love the chub! Thanks for posting all the pictures... i am sitting here crying. So sad i can't meet her for a while but so glad you guys are doing good. Love you!
Sarah!!! You are a mommy!!! welcome to the club!!! I would love to come bring this sweet girl her gift that i made her! please let me know when youre accepting visitors!! loves!
Congrats! I am so excited for you guys!! She is a cute one!!
She really is beautiful! I am so happy for you guys! You will love being parents and sares you will be the best mommy ever! Let me know if there is anything I can help you with dinner...anything! Oh and let me know when you wanna reschedule your shower haha
Congrats! Maia is so cute! I love her name, so sweet!
Oh she is so beautiful!! and sarah I wish I looked that good right after having a baby. 8 lbs and two weeks early?! good thing she came early. I was dissapointed not to be able to see you but hopefully we can set up another day soon. You and Matt enjoy that sweet little girl. You two will do wonderful
congrats again you guys. She is so beautiful and I love the way you are spelling her name. And youa re right there is nothing like the love you feel for your own child. You can't describe it to anyone and no one can understand until they've been there. And just imagine as she gets older that love just seems to intensify.
sarah, when can I come visit????? I want to hear about EVERYTHING!
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